5 Certified Ways to Smash January

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January gets the short end of the stick. Compared to its flamboyant predecessor, Mrs. December.

Picture this: Mrs. December struts in, glistening with festive spirit, the life and soul of every party, while Mr. January, her quieter counterpart, stands by, overshadowed and overlooked. She's the vivacious extrovert to his introverted demeanour.

But not here, not at Drop-in. For us, January is a hidden gem. It is the month that doesn't demand constant social outings or extravagance. The frenzy of December's festive celebrations have gone, allowing Mr. January to step into the spotlight.

December revels in friends and family, but January? January is all about YOU. It's a month where selfishness isn't frowned upon; rather, it's encouraged as a means for personal change.

And we are letting you into a little secret. These are 5 tips that we know will power up your month:

1. Establish a daily routine

January is the month to put in place the structured routine that aligns to your goals. Whether it's joining the 5am club or jumping in cold showers. It may be setting aside set hours for certain tasks, exercise, or personal development. Crafting a routine can set the tone for the year ahead. If you haven't already, we HIGHLY recommend reading James Clears' Atomic Habits. You will be a habit stacking guru before you know it.

2. Cultivate a postive workspace

Now, at Drop-in we definitely understand the importance of a motivating workspace (I mean, look at what we do!). So use this month to create a space that inspires you. You may be like us and find that different places work for different tasks. If you currently WFH 100% then get out the house. Take a walk, find your flow and take your output to peak performance. We promise you that you'll see enhanced productivity and creativity.

3. Prioritise self-care

Amid the hustle of December, self-care definitely takes a back seat. No one is saying one more yoga session? January, however, opens the door of opportunity to prioritise your well-being. Engage in activities that rejuvenate your mind and body. Practice mindfulness, exercise regularly, or start a new hobby. Did someone say Padel??!

4. Get out the house

While January might signify a break from social gatherings, it does not mean isolation. We are social animals and interactions are essential for body and mind. Whether saying hello to the barista as you get your morning coffee or chatting to the bus driver. Each interaction helps on the path to a positive mindset.

5. Embrace flexibility and balance

We live in an age of power. If our great grandparents could see us now, this would be their idea of heaven. Dishwashers and fridges would blow their mind. Without us even starting on VRheadsets, AGI and a movement that we can 'Work from Anywhere''. So embrace the flexibility you have and accept you will never achieve everything on your to-do list. So decide what is important and enjoy the world we live in..

Not just another month

At Drop-in, January isn't just another month; it's an opportunity for personal evolution. It's a canvas awaiting your brushstrokes of change and growth. Seize this moment and make January your accomplice in crafting a fulfilling start to the year.