Work Wonders

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Work Wonders

At WeWork, the two of us witnessed a significant shift in the meaning of the office. No longer was it a sterile and corporate environment, relegated to the bottom of a never-ending hierarchy of corporate needs.

Instead, design and community became central to the employee experience, and companies thrived as a result. WeWork hosted a mix of freelancers, startups, and enterprise companies, with over 50% of the Fortune 500 companies being members.

BUT, this transformation is nothing compared to what we are seeing now.
COVID-19 has fundamentally changed the very definition of work.

The world is built for a pre-pandemic model

As the world settled into a post-pandemic reality, we realised that work is no longer tied to a physical location, but rather it is a unit of time.

We are returning to an era where the whole city can be a workplace, and many of us have found ourselves working in cafes, airports, trains, and of course, our homes. Work can now happen on our doorstep, but the world is not yet equipped for this new way of working.

The pandemic freed us all from an outdated model. A way of working that has persisted since we moved from fields to factories.
But the story is not complete. Remote workers feel lost.

Waste time commuting or endure WFH chaos? WFH or endure the noise of the nearby coffee shop? Sit alone at home or pay to eat at a restaurant just to escape isolation for a few hours?

We are on a mission to end all of this.

Drop-in is a first of its kind

We are building the UK’s first working club.
A fully-flexible and on-demand, enterprise-grade workspace, on your doorstep.
Everything is designed for you, the modern worker.

We have been at the forefront of the co-working revolution over the past 5-years and know that the world is ready for the next chapter.

We live in a world where consumers want everything instantaneously. Value gyms mean you essentially rent equipment for hours per month, Airbnb allows travellers to only pay for what they need and pay-per-hire clothing services avoid the high costs that come from one time wear items.

We are finally bringing workspace into the sharing economy. By creating the most wonderfully flexible and productive workspace around. No fixed-term contracts or hidden fees. A fully on-demand offering; come from an hour, a day or a month. Everyone is invited.

Get ready to Drop-in.

Sign-up here to join the waitlist for our first club.